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we still have some views over here so I just wanted to remind you to book mark our new page. We are No longer here we have moved to you don’t want to miss it. Also if you are a subscriber here please make sure you sign up over there also. HURRY we have some giveaways coming soon.

My dream Vacation.

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Cheerios® is giving you the chance to win a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, your ultimate family vacation. As part of a paid promotion for their “Do What You Love” Sweepstakes, Cheerios® is sponsoring my post today about what my ultimate family vacation would be. Read mine and Enter the Sweepstakes for a chance to actually win your own fantasy family trip or one of a bunch of other great prizes.

With the economy I DREAM of taking a family Vacation. I dream of one day taking my husband and kids for a full European tour.

I dream of them flying past the Statue of Liberty so that they can see her in her wonder.

I dream of seeing them fly over the ocean and seeing it for the first time.

I dream of showing them history of the world. I dream of showing them not just the good history but the bad history.

I long to show them the concentration camps so that they can understand the pain that people suffered and have more compassion for people that are different and having understand for others beliefs.I want them to smell the smells I want them to see what the prisoners had to endure because of 1 mans false idea of the way things should be. I wan them to feel all of them. I want to see the tears running down their face when they realize the pain that I just showed them will make them a better person.

I long to show them the Louvre in Paris. I want them to see how art has transformed the world. I want them to see the Mona Lisa. I want them to understand that such a small and simple painting has literally changed the world in many ways.

I would love to see their face at the top of the Swiss Alps. So that they can see the beauty that God has given us.

We would have to go to Tuscany Italy to see the Leaning Tower of Pisa. So that they can see something that shouldn’t be really is.


We would have to see Rome. So that they could see the Rome Coliseum. History is a love in our family and for them to see this first hand would be amazing.

We would also have to add in something fun and exciting for the kids that isn’t just about History and what better way to do that then throw in a little trip to Euro Disney.

There are so many other places we would go in Europe but those are just a few of the highlights we would have to see. A girl can dream right?

Don’t forget to enter the “Do What You Love” Sweepstakes, for a chance to win your own ultimate family vacation. I was selected for this sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective, which endorses Blog With Integrity, as I do.

We are live at Mommy Confessions Blog

Good Morning everyone! In case you noticed (or didn’, our new site went live on Friday. Now, it’s live, but it still has some “bugs”. Let me say that I am super excited about the site, NOT the bugs 😉 There are a couple of things I need to share with you though. 1. In changing the site, the subscriptions you usually get aren’t going to show up for a few days. I have to change them manually (I know there probably is a better way). If you want to go ahead and subscribe yourself that would be awesome though! 2. In changing the subscriptions over, if you get something asking you to verify your subscription, hit yes. Or no. Your choice! 3. If you have Mommy Confessions Blog bookmarked, you will probably need to change that. Our old address was Http:// So head on over to the NEW Mommy Confessions Blog. You can also find us on twitter @momconfess Lastly, I’d like to thank you all for being so patient with us while we change everything over. Like I said, there are a few more tweeks to work out, but most of that is behind the scenes. Until then, enjoy our site! Let us know what you think as well. Good or bad, feedback is always welcome!

Do I look like the Goodwill store?

Recently I put an ad on Craigslist for a set of bunk-beds. Our bunk beds are WAY under-priced and they are an EXCELLENT condition.

You would not believe the responses I have gotten. I have gotten offers for trades. YES trades. What kind of trades?

  • a horse- just because I live in the country doesn’t mean I need a horse.
  • a goat.- see above
  • a llama

I have also gotten the sob story of we are having a hard time, I left my husband, we lost our job. So on and so on. So here is my question if you are having such a hard time why are you looking at bunk beds that are listed at $500. If I needed new beds and I was hard up we would use just a mattress or sleep on the couch or floor. I don’t get it.

People have made me feel guilty for not GIVING it to them. As they have told me this poor me story and told me that they had no money and need it for their kids and if I could find it in my heart to give it to them. If I was going to give it away WHY WOULD I HAVE POSTED IT for $500. Also if I was going to give it away don’t you think I would give it to a friend of mine that I know could use it.

I love how people only look at their situation. They don’t look at it as maybe I need to use the money to buy a new bed for my kids or maybe clothes for my kids maybe we need to buy groceries. Keep in mind these are all maybes.  I am also very skeptical of people that say that they are hard up. I have learned over the past few years that people that “claim” that they are hard up are living better than most of us that aren’t. They are living the life of large screen plasma’s, new computers, Wii, going out to eat all the time, and remodeling their homes the list can really go on and on.  So I have little tolerance for people that claim that they are hard up and really aren’t. While YES I do understand that not all people live like I just mentioned and YES I understand that people out there are TRULY hard up. I feel for those people. I want to help those people. But in today’s society it is really hard to tell the difference of “hard up” and hard up when they want something for free. It really ranks up there with the person sitting along the side of the road with a pair of band new Nike’s on with a sign that says Hungry need food or money but when you tell him you will feed him if he does some work he refuses. All to often people just want something for nothing. (I really need to get off of this I have a whole post that I can talk about the Land of Entitlement.)

So I guess that means. NO I don’t want your llama, goats, horses,chickens or any other farm animal you have. NO I am not giving you the bunk beds, NO I am not going to feel sorry for you when you say you are having a hard time and you are shopping for a set of bunk beds that are $500.

Lack of Courtesy

Dear Neighbor.

While I understand that living in the country means different things to everybody. But to me living in the country means not having to deal STUPID people paying no regard to the people that actually live out there.

I do understand that your mommy and daddy bought you all this land to “Play” on and farm. You don’t not live on your land you live in the city. (though I think you might be living in your barn because your wife kicked you out) But have you no courtesy for the people that actually live out here.

  • you till up your land at 1am.
  • you throw your beer cans everywhere and thus it ends up in my yard.
  • you took down my property markers.
  • you put your drive way as close as you could to my property so that when you come and go at all hours of the night your lights flash into my windows and your loud beat up car wakes up my kids.
  • You and your buddy’s party all night long blaring your music so loud that it rattles my windows.
  • Lets not forget about the 100’s of cars out all over your property thus causing it to look like a junk yard.
  • You and your buddy’s race your cars up down the road at all hours of the day.
  • But today is the final straw. I sit here typing with wet hair from just getting out of the shower. Why would I tell you this? Because your DOGS just came into my yard and pooped in it. So when I let my dog out she found it and ROLLED all over it. Thus causing me to 1 clean up YOUR dog poop but also bath my dog who had YOUR dog poop all over her.

Due to your lack of courtesy you have left me no choice but to go to drastic measures. What am I going to do? The only thing I can think of is to call the people in charge of the covenants in this area. You are VOLATILIZING several of them.

In the mean time please keep the redneck parting to a minimum and please keep you big nasty dogs on your own land and off of mine and if they do come over please follow them and clean up after them. I have enough to do without cleaning up after your dogs to.

