Tag Archives: eww

Mommy Confessions ~~Zits Happen?!? Help!

 When I was a teen, I was one of THOSE teens.  You know they type, the rarely had a pimple and if they did it was earth shattering.  Yeah, that was me.  I made it all the way through my teen years with fewer zits than most people had in a week.  I considered myself lucky and gave the kudos to Clinique and their awesome 3-step program

Recently though, I’m getting my paybacks.  I have acne.  I mean 15 year old kid acne.  I don’t like it, not one single bit.  I also have no idea what to do about it.  I have long ago stopped the 3-step program because well, I have other things to spend the money on.  Now, I think I’m paying the price.  For a while I thought it was just a “hormones” thing.  Now, I’m not so sure.  My chin and forehead are terrible looking.  If I was in my early 20’s I might not be so upset about it.  People, I’m 33!!  This is just nuts…

So, my question is…Have you ever dealt with this issue?  If so, what did you use to help?  Even if you don’t deal with adult acne, any suggestions will help.  I’m not all about my looks, but I’d like to NOT look like the pics in a high school yearbook.  Thanks!